Slava Ukraini

Listen up all you gym shoe creepers and non-believers of the world,

It’s time for all you slackers to begin to twirl.

David and Goliath, a.k.a. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin are not the same,

President Putin hails from Russia and President Zelenskyy from Ukraine.

This war is about to come to an abrupt end,

Because quite a few (300,000 or more) I’m going to send,

You’ll be going to one of two places at the sound of the bell,

The eternal resting place will be either Heaven or Hell.

Everyone of the world, you’re “All My Children”, since birth,

Whose sole purpose, is to glorify my name, yes, everyone on Earth.

Now is the time for all to pick a side,

No longer can anyone stay on the sidelines and/or hide.

I’m about to huff and puff and take you peeps down,

Definitely a lot of you will be buried deep underground.

David has asked, once again, supplies for his sling,

But for some unknown reason (yeah, right) all you do is sing.

From the beginning, David said “I need ammunition, not a ride,

I can’t leave my people, live in comfort, no I cannot hide”.

So called “friends” claim to forever have his back,

While at the same time, dragging your feet, while his country is under attack.

Not to worry, I’m taking score and I’m watching from my throne,

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, keep the faith, you are not alone.

No matter what happens, “YOU WILL DEFINITELY WIN”,

I have a place for you in heaven, Jesus will let you in.

While others sit and think about being hit by a bomb,

They’re the ones who should also take a cold hard look all around.

Whoever is the first to start launching a nuclear attack,

Everyone needs to be clear, “all of it will come right back”.

That’s right you gym shoe creepers and non-believers, it’s going to go down,

What goes up, will come right back to you, and you’ll be the clown.

The world at that time will never be the same,

Then I’ll have to create a comical game.

The name of this game will be, “How Many Body Parts Can You Do Without?”,

Because, after the fallout, various limbs are going to drop.

You all better put your collective heads together,

Pretty soon, the entire planet is going to have the exact same weather.

I’m about to huff and puff and take you down,

Billions of you about to go underground.

I may consider having mercy on a very select few,

However, now is the time to listen up, “every one of you”.

Better stop dragging your shuffling feet,

Because “the you know what”, is about to get knee deep.

I keep hearing people misusing my name,

So, I’m going to create an additional game.

The name of this game is called, “I’m Coming Home”,

Believe me, you naughty children, you won’t be alone.

You will come home thousands at a time,

It will happen too quick for anyone to find,

Your body, that’s right, “because you’ve all lost your minds”.

I’ve always said, the only way to truly be whole,

Is to live for me, and give Jesus your soul.

But no, you don’t want to do anything I say,

Just living a life of pleasure, all you do is play.

Since all you want to do is, live in utter sin,

I’ll make sure the door is shut; “YOU WON’T GET IN”.

I have mansions here, for those who belong,

The sinners go elsewhere, to sing their own, “Silly Love Song”.

The song is going to be extremely loud,

All the occupants, will be those of the very same crowd.

No one can hide from me, I know who you are,

And you’re scattered over the planet, but not very far,

Don’t worry about transportation: plane, train or car.

When I created you, I had a “Master Plan”,

But mankind (that’s you) disobeyed me, so time for the trashcan.

Better start getting your house in order, to include, your last will,

Make sure not to leave anyone holding, any unpaid bills.

I’m tired of “All My Children”, not playing by the rules,

I’m the “Teacher of Education” and you’re all in my school.

This is what I am about to do,

Listen up planet earth, yes, I’m talking to each and every one of you.

When you look around, look for the “color of the moon”,

It’s going to change, shortly thereafter, I’ll be seeing some of you soon.

So, go ahead and get your last “Hee-Haws” in,

My ungrateful children, since you just don’t want to win.

I have a warrior on Earth who is the very best,

I’m not going to say his name (again), so can you guess?

Whatever happens, you better leave my son alone,

That is, if you don’t like breathing and/or are ready to come home.

When it becomes the appropriate time, I’m going to allow my son, to go out and play,

The entire universe is his playground, so when you “toe down” with him, just pray.

One on one, he’s the “Best of the Best”,

After you lose, I’ll send you home to rest.

I keep trying to figure out what it is that I must do,

I’m only attempting to get through to each and every one of you.

Planet earth is way off course,

Time to start listening to my loving voice.

The voice is coming from heaven above,

From your Father, it comes with ”unconditional love”.

Time to let go of all worldly goods,

And listen to me, hope it’s understood.

I’m speaking to everyone, listen to what I say,

It’s about to go down, “I’m About To Play”.

I’m about to create another game,

One that will drive a lot of you insane.

The name of this game is called “Surgical Strike”,

And no one has to go anywhere, not even on a hike.

Yes, quite a few of you are about to go home,

Most will never get, anywhere near my throne.

Satan will receive most of you, he doesn’t care,

Even he knows, my son is “off limits”, and will touch, not a single hair.

Everyone is a gym shoe creeper and has a home,

The non-believers going to hell, to be with their master, on his throne.

As I’ve said to you, many times before,

Only the faithful will enter through these heavenly doors.

Just wait, because pretty soon it’ll be going down,

Then we’ll see, who’s really the clown.

My son is standing by, because he already knows,

I’m about to continue on “My Worldwide Guerrilla Warfare Show”.

There’s never a need, anywhere for any war,

The purpose of my children, and the only chore,

Is to glorify your Father in heaven up above,

Return to me, what I’ve given you all: “Unconditional Love”.

Time to give David, “EVERYTHING THAT HE NEEDS”,

I’ve got my eyes on those, “who profit from greed”.

You “money grubbers” about to be sent home,

Don’t worry, you will not be alone.

I’m your Father in heaven, better known as God,

Alvin Mann is my one and only, hardcore, earthly Lightning Rod.

Your Father



Brother (Can I Get A Witness?)