Brother (Can I Get A Witness?)

“All My Children” just want to play,

Never working for righteousness, but, causing mischief, every single day.

I’m watching up here with my Heaven Stenographer, her name is Rose,

That’s Alvin Mann’s daughter, on earth, he’s the one I’ve chose.

Mini-Me is my Stenographer/Biographer and also my lightning rod,

He’s allowed to always call me”dad”, for everyone else, it’s God.

So, you just don’t want to do right, but, to cause unjust wars,

Okay then, but before it’s over, I’m going to give you some chores.

Worldwide, quite a few of you will lose all of your body hair,

Both men and women, so what, none of you should care.

Too many of you mistakenly think, there’s a so-called “master race”,

Those who do are an abomination to me, and a utter disgrace.

When you start to lose your hair, go ahead, “scream and shout”,

Don’t come bitchin’ to me, contact my son, he may help you out.

Worldwide, you women will be unable to give birth,

Some will have to dig graves, but, you’ll use very little dirt.

This is what happens when you place yourselves in the upper class,

Now, the world will know, “you’re the ones who are out of gas”.

How long will this “inner barren wasteland last?’

Who knows, maybe a re-vote should be caste.

This time include everyone under the sun,

Maybe then I’ll undue, what’s been done.

Please be advised, you’ll probably miss a few generations,

We (me and my son) need to fumigate every nation.

Time to cleanse out, what’s rotten and make it good,

This is your Father (God) speaking, so make certain it’s understood.

Keeping your fellow brothers and sisters in 24 hour lock-down,

Is “Godless”, so I don’t know you; yes, you’re all clowns.

Once upon a time, some people lived in what’s known as a teepee,

There’s someone who’s going to lead his people that way; his name is “Bibi”.

So prepare yourselves for the ultimate downfall,

When “the you know what hits the fan”, he’s the one to call.

So, who is the next one on “My Bad Children’s List”,

Well, it’s “MBS”, I haven’t forgotten about that assassination hit.

Jamal Khashoggi says hello, and you’d better watch your back,

Because, you’re the one who soon, will be under attack.

They are much closer to you, than you might think,

A bullet, knife, poison…hmm, it could be anything, just don’t blink.

Better start from top to bottom, to get a clean house,

Begin with yourself since you’re such a louse.

Be a good idea (that’s a subtle hint) not to go after the writer of this blog,

He’s my son, Alvin Mann, and I’m his dad, better known as “God”.

These words are not his, but, “they’re all mine”,

It’s you who’s done lost, his ever loving mind.

When you and my son meet (and you will) and come “face to face”,

Be absolutely certain to show him, “considerable grace”.

I trained him, so I definitely know, my son is a “stone cold killer”,

So be nice to him, if you don’t want to be like “Thriller”.

Michael Jackson had a video of dead people walking, it was all the rage,

Those who go up against my son don’t survive, so no one better misbehave.

I’m always watching and protecting my son, here up above,

He’s always got company all around, yes, I send him, “ALL MY LOVE”.

You or anyone else on earth do anything to my son, or harm a hair on his head,

Next stop for you is the cemetery, because you’ll be stone-cold dead.

Either way Alvin Mann, really doesn’t care; he’s ready to come home,

He also is well aware, on earth or heaven, he’s never alone.

So to all you non-believers and gym shoe creepers, it’s going to happen one day,

I’m going to “cut my son loose”, and he’s coming out to play.

Then everyone will find out first hand, one on one, “He’s the Best”,

Quite a few of you, will then, at that time, be going home to rest.

It appears that London Bridge is falling down,

All type of shenanigans are happening all around.

The saying goes, “War is Hell”, although many lose their lives,

Especially since quite often it provides cover for “backroom jive”.

While people on the battlefield are “dropping like flies”,

Politicians are profiting from greed, but, you cannot hide.

“Rishi”, one day it’s going to happen, you’ll get your ticket,

I hear one of your favorite pastimes, is following cricket.

Yes, my buddy, you’ll be one day going home,

Don’t worry, many will follow (you won’t be alone).

Keep making all those enormous buckets of money,

I’m keeping tabs and think it’s extremely funny.

How much money, is it, that you truly need,

Or, is it an ego thing, and all about greed?

Don’t feel bad, my son was once “Satan’s #1 Disciple”, much worse than you,

But he finally changed his mind (painfully) and learned to tie his gym shoe.

Yes, my “Only Begotten Knucklehead Son” knows not to turn his back on me again,

He knows I’ll do more than, “uppercut him directly underneath the chin”.

Once, he was in multiple pieces, bleeding, lying on the floor,

I put him back together, now he has his eyes on one single door.

That door leads straight home, to me, up in heaven,

It’s because he’s finally learned, how to count to seven.

Don’t be surprised if you and he, will one day meet,

Then you can offer him one of your delicious treats.

So if you and he should find the time, you’ll see,

He’s quite “British” (cheerio) and would love a cup of piping hot tea.

Next on my list, is a puppet on a string,

Yes, his master has taught him well, “he knows how to sing”.

“Aleksandr” doesn’t play fair and always wants to win,

The end game is the name of his game, always entrenched in sin.

Stolen elections, press suppression and journalist kidnapping out of the sky,

This guy’s done it all, I wonder if he’s always high?

My son (Alvin Mann) acts off, and at times, a tad bit strange,

I wonder (maybe he’s deranged)

So I asked him one day, “are you right now completely buzzed”,

He said, yes dad, “I’m high off of your unconditional love”.

Listen up all city slickers that are scattered all around,

They’ll be a new “Sheriff” coming to your town.

“His jurisdiction will cover the entire universe”, yes, especially earth,

The entire planet will have the exact same laws, it’ll be “a new rebirth”.

That’s correct you non-believers and gym shoe creepers,

None of you (I’m quite sure) want to become a sleeper.

One day, it’s going to happen, listen “God damn it”, listen well,

I’m God and I’m going to send so many of you home, “straight to hell”.

Everyone, the entire planet, better take good care of my son,

Or for certain, you definitely will be done.

I shall continue onward with my “Guerrilla Warfare Show”,

Be well-advised and just so you know:

We’re Coming For You All

I Am God

Alvin Mann is My Lightning Rod

Your Father



Everyone Fall In Line


Slava Ukraini